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P4 Diagnostic Topical Tests (1ED)

P4 Diagnostic Topical Tests (1ED)
Price: S$10.20
Product Code: DT4
Availability: In Stock
0 reviews
ISBN: 9789810921798
Author: li fanglan
Pages: 176
Shipping Weight: 385 g
Size: 190mm X 260mm X 10mm
Best for: primary 4

POPULAR Recommendation List!

This structured assessment tool assists in the systematic evaluation of pupils' learning so as to better understand their individual needs. The differentiated tests (Basic & Advanced) in each unit will engage pupils in effective and reflective learning.

Basic Test AFocus on testing comprehension of key concepts and skills as well as fundamental problem solving skills.

Advanced Test B - Focus on testing application of analytical skills, thinking skills and heuristics.

When pupils achieve 100% accuracy in these tests, they are bound to do very well in school tests and examinations!

Contents / Sample Pages
Contents [Click here]
Sample Page 1 [Click here]
Sample Page 2 [Click here]
Sample Page 3 [Click here]

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